Patient Safety Policy
PREMIUM DENTAL dental clinic provides oral health services within the framework of a safety strategy based on the characterization, classification and analysis of adverse events to identify causes and establish actions aimed at strengthening safe care policies. This risk management process accompanied by a training and socializing strategy of security policies, to all clinical staff and the patient, encourages the creation of a service culture supported in strict security levels.
Mission in patient safety
PREMIUM DENTAL dental clinic is committed to the safety of patients who require health services procedures in the area of general and specialized dentistry, according to the execution of safe and integral activities, as a fundamental characteristic of the guidelines for the implementation of the patient’s safety policy in the Republic of Colombia.
Objectives of patient safety policy
- Reduce the risk in health care provided to patients.
- Prevent the occurrence of adverse events in health care processes by deploying scientifically proven methodologies and adopting practical tools to improve safety barriers and establish a safe health care environment.
- Coordinate the different actors of the system toward improvements in service quality that are evidenced in tangible and measurable results.
- Educate patients and their families in the knowledge and approach of factors that may potentially come into play in improving the safety in the attention processes they are part of.
- Communicate the principles of patient safety policy to all patients.
- To articulate and coordinate with the principles, objectives and strategies of patient safety to the different organisms of surveillance and system control.
Strategy for implementing patient safety policy
- Foster hand sanitation practices within the institution.
- Apply cleaning and disinfection techniques in all procedures.
- Proper handling of hazardous wastes.
- Biosecurity practices.
- Prevention and control of adverse events.
- Continuous education for the user, family and caregivers.
- Monitoring, registration and intervention of the adverse event associated with organized and secure care to the user.
- Systematize the collection and analysis of data related to adverse events that occur in the attention to the user.
- Incorporation of patient quality and safety criteria in management commitments.
- Optimize Supply Chain.
- Improve resource use.
- Ensure the quality of the resources used in the different services of the institution.
- Use the elements of protection and biosafety for the patient.
Vision in patient safety
By the year 2018 we will have accomplished the following objectives:
- 95% Institutional management in the report of incidents and adverse events of each service.
- 90% of users and their family have information regarding patient safety activities.
- 60% of users and their families possess communications about safe practices which are implemented in their procedures.
At PREMIUM DENTAL dental clinic we provide general and specialized dentistry services under a scheme of procedures and protocols that are intended to reduce the risk of contamination and / or transmission of microorganisms from known or unknown sources in the practice of dentistry.
The objectives in the establishment of biosafety protocols look to:
- Preserve the health and integrity of our patients and their families.
- Preserve the health and integrity of our human resource and their families.
- Prevent incidents due to exposure to biological fluids.
- Maintain the working environment in optimal hygienic conditions.
Dear patient, your attention at PREMIUM DENTAL will always include the following biosecurity measures.
Use of gloves: at PREMIUM DENTAL gloves should be used by our specialists and support staff at all times whenever clinical contact with the patient occurs. Gloves are protective barriers for biological risk and exposure to body fluids and sharp objects.
Use of gown: at PREMIUM DENTAL the gown must be used by our specialists and auxiliary support staff at all times whenever clinical contact with the patient occurs. The gown is an element that serves as a barrier to protect the skin and clothing from possible splashes of body fluids.
Use of glasses: at PREMIUM DENTAL glasses must be used by our patients, specialists and auxiliary support staff at all times when there is clinical contact with the patient. The glasses protect the mucous membranes of the eyes, during the execution of clinical procedures, from possible spills of body fluids and possible accidents caused by materials and supplies used in the procedure.
Use of cap: at PREMIUM DENTAL the cap should be used by our specialists and auxiliary support staff at all times whenever there is clinical contact with the patient. The cap is a protective element that collects and covers the hair, thus avoiding contact with the patient, the instruments and the hands of the dentist or auxiliary staff.
Use of bib: The bib in PREMIUM DENTAL must be used by our patients at all times when having clinical contact with our dentists. The bib prevents contact of body fluids with the patient’s skin and clothing.